The collection.
Why do people collect? I have a passing curiosity as to why people collect things. It is often with some amusement to see the extent individuals and groups of people go to in building up their collection of anything & everything from rocks to records from cars to cassettes. Not being much of a keeper stuff I have viewed them as collectors of ‘what ever’, and, I have to say, with some amusement. Like lots of people I have a collection of CD’s and books that I am reluctant to dispose of through sentimental attachment. Some of the attachment is those living in the moment experiences that I find are fleeting. There are handful of novels and albums that define those moments and remain sharp in my memory but I don’t go out of my way to add to it like some stamp collector. I am definitely not one of those nerds who continuously amass what ever collections - I am happy in my normality. Hang on! Hold your horses! What about… …On December 28th 1984 I visited the Argos store in Leeds and bou