The cold turkey day two

I love YouTube - it is wonderful resource for entertainment, education, spirituality and friendship. Of course like all platforms there is the usual preaching and prattling from media and politicians.

A couple of days ago Sten Ekberg popped in my suggestions. Erik is a former athlete and these days a scientist, his channel focuses on diet and health. In this one he set a 30 day zero sugar challenge. Being a fed added sugar from when I was weaned it has given me a sweet tooth and everyone who knows me is aware of my fondness for cakes, fruit pies, biscuits and chocolate. With plenty of Christmas left overs, specifically 3 cakes, 2 boxes of biscuits, some lovely Latvian chocolates and then more mince pie that my daughter brought round all with my name on it, when I told my wife of the challenge she rolled her eyes and said a few things.

So here we go….day one…no problem. After my evening meal I looked longingly at the cakes in the cupboard but resisted and had fruit instead. It occurred to me would I feel withdrawal symptoms from the drug that Dr Ekberg says refined white sugar is? 

Day two - yes day two! We walked the dog in the afternoon and I started to get the jitters. Over fifty years of narcotic abuse was hitting me like a freight train. Well not quite so dramatic but I am writing this so I can use a bit of poetic licence. So when we got home, I took a handful of left over Christmas peanuts (regular nuts except the packet had holly and stars on it).

Last night I had a dream…that every man, woman and child…no wrong dream. I was making coffee a really weird way in a pan on the stove and was adding sugar to it and loving steering the concoction.

All by day two. All in the vain hope that my YouTube physician is correct and that after 30 days, the addiction of 50 years will have left me and as a result I am guaranteed to be alive for another 50 years.

If you are reading this can you please check in with me as I am spiralling down without my precious!


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